
InstalltheLigature-basedFontFiles...You'llwanttoinstalltheseintoyourtheFontManageryouroperatingsystemusesandmanagesitsfontswith.ForMacs, ...,JustcreateanewFontAwesomeKitandaddtheKitembedcodetotheheadofeachtemplateorpageofyourprojectwhereyouwanttoaddicons.SetupaKit.2.,InstallManually.ThisdocumentationdescribescustomizingWordPressbyaddingPHPcodetoyourtheme'sfunctions.phpfile.It'sintendedtobeused...

Get Started on the Desktop

Install the Ligature-based Font Files ... You'll want to install these into your the Font Manager your operating system uses and manages its fonts with. For Macs, ...

Quick Start

Just create a new Font Awesome Kit and add the Kit embed code to the head of each template or page of your project where you want to add icons. Set up a Kit. 2.

Install Manually

Install Manually. This documentation describes customizing WordPress by adding PHP code to your theme's functions.php file. It's intended to be used by more ...

Use Package Managers

Installing the Free version of Font Awesome. You can easily install the latest free version of Font Awesome via npm or yarn: npm; yarn. Terminal window. npm ...

Using a Package Manager

Install Your Package. There are three options to for installing the Font Awesome packages: Install, What You Get. Kit Package New! Your custom icons, icon ...

Get Started on the Desktop

Install the Ligature-based Font Files. Get up and running using ligatures to insert icons into your documents by first installing all of the styles you'd like ...

Get Started with Font Awesome

Font Awesome CDN is the easiest way to get Font Awesome on your website or app, all with just a single line of code. No downloading or installing! Email address.

Download Font Awesome Free or Pro

2024年7月15日 — Install Official Packages + Components. Easily keep your project up-to-date with the latest icons and improvements when you install and use ...


2016年10月24日 — From the root of the repository, install the tools used to develop. $ bundle install $ npm install. Build the project and documentation: $ ...